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Cheap Apple Stock
Compared to similar companies , Apple stock is greatly undervalued.

There are lots of theories about why this should be.

By any standard, Apple is an extremely well-run company. Although they don't sell as many phones as their competitors, they reap the lion's share of the profits in the mobile phone industry. They have no competition in the tablet market, and 95% os all computers sold for more than $1000 are Apples.

If their stock was price the way their comprtitors' stock is priced, it would be more than $1000 a share instead of just under $400/share.

Why is this?

My theory is that the market is profoundly suspicious of the fact that Apple seems to hacve a corporate ethic that favors good products over crass pandering.

It would be like betting on ghandi against the English -- even though you might believe that Gha,ndi is in the right, and it looks like he's winning, it goes against "the current of the times".

Need a better analogy...

A group of politicians, an election. You have all but one of rhe candidates who play dirty, are corrupt etc.

Then, you have one candidate who is clean, honest, dtc.

He's an unknown quantity. All the players are used to understanding  orrupt politicians, and nobody knows how to evaluate this guy.

Even when he's doing great, on top of the  orld, the observers are judging from the corrupt  orld, and can't understand why his thing is working.

He will remain a mystery, because he  iolates what is understood to be a law by all his peers: that you have to sell your soul to ge ahead.

Having workned on the inside of dizens of businesses in the last twenty years.

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